Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What to wear...

Rules are very strict for females in Court... or, at least, they should be if you're trained well. If appearing in Court as an attorney (or, I suppose, if you're the Plaintiff or the Defendant), wear black or navy. Suit. No bows, no ruffles, no frills, no stripes, no fun colors. Nothing that you could buy at the Limited or the Gap. Nothing that looks remotely fun. Go to your Casual Corner or your Ann Taylor (NOT Loft), and get a wrinkle-free, super boring suit. Wear it with a button-down and pearls. Shoes should be closed-toe. If you're wearing a skirt, wear panty-hose. Hair back and out of your face. Take off your diamonds, and wear a wedding band (even if not married). The jury will REALLY take you apart, and you have to make it so that they concentrate on your case and not your outfit. Plus, you have to look like you blend in with all the old men, and that's the only way you'll do it.

If you're interviewing for a job, then you should dress the same way.

I always get twice the respect in the power suit.

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